Monday, December 7, 2009

The Jaguar Catfish

The Jaguar Catfish is one of the most beautiful catfish, having a brown body and numerous black spots with chocolate brown centers. A light yellow to gold horizontal band runs along the side of the body. Juveniles are more distinctly marked than adults. Jaguar cats can "talk," making noises like a foghorn by rotating their dorsal fin spines.
Scientific Name : Liosomadoras oncinus
Family : Doradidae
Common Name : Jaguar Catfish
Maximum Size : 18cm / 7"
Origin : Rio Branco, Brazil - white water river
Temperature : 20-24pH Level: 5.8-6.5
Behaviour in captivity: Unlike many other popular catfish species, the Jaguar catfish does not form schools. It is a highly territorial species and this must be taken into consideration when you set up your aquarium. It is possible to house several Jaguar catfishes in the same aquarium if it is large enough, but this calls for a clever aquarium decoration that break up the aquarium into several different territories. There must also be plenty of hiding spots throughout the aquarium. Include driftwood and pieces of PVC pipes or similar. If you hear strange sounds from the aquarium at night, it is Jaguar catfishes trying to stake out their territories. Rivaling the Jaguar catfishes will rotate the spines of their pectoral fins at the base; thereby producing a sound somewhat similar to a foghorn or tuba.

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