Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Clown loaches

Clown loaches have no special requirements on water conditions, they do however prefer a certain aquarium setup to be at their best. A tank size of 48 inches with the length being more important than the depth. It is very important to have a soft or fine textured substrate as they are continually probing the upper layers with their barbels for food. The tank does not need to be heavily planted, but the fish are shy and must have a place to hide - driftwood - caves - or even a clay flowerpot. The lighting in the tank should not be overly bright. Clown loaches are happiest living in small groups and will live peacefully with all other fish. Sometimes they will form small troops with members of the Corydoras family. Feeding is not difficult as they will accept all prepared foods and like all fish relish the addition of live foods especially small worms. The addition of a plant supplement is also beneficial. Clown loaches once established can live a very long time.

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